Audit of the it landscape
Inventory of systems and equipment, examination of IT infrastructure elements, assessment of possible risks and problematic parts, identification of critical features and "bottlenecks" of application software. We study the documentation on the already implemented / written systems, how prospective / effective their use is). Classification, detailed evaluation of the found problems and identification of methods to solve them.
Independent control over the current level of protection of confidential information, as well as the availability and integrity of information systems. Both from intruders' penetration, and from mistakes of own employees. Including analysis and "highlighting" of negative business habits and established practices.
Analysts/management holds a series of meetings where we look for an answer to the question of what the software is needed for, what results are expected, who is involved/responsible for the result. Besides the fact that at this stage the foundation for supposed software changes is built, it may turn out that process changes are enough to solve currently complicated problems without any global changes.
The designer draws the path of users, both employees and customers and their interaction with the system, transitions, the logic of changing screens and states.
Architect develops a solution with the potential for load growth, embedding new logic as input data changes. Describes the Interconnections between microservices, data flow, and business logic.
All ideas arriving in the development process are thoroughly worked out by the analyst for the most harmonious implementation in the system. Described and rendered processes allow all participants to understand the purpose of the new functionality. This, combined with the design, also gives the business the opportunity to become familiar with the changes before the developers even start.
Databases: Mysql, postgresql, clickhouse, mongodb, redis.
Python, FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Flask, Django PHP, Laravel
TypeScript, react-hooks, react-router, redux, redux-saga/redux-thunk, Next.js, leaflet (with markercluster & gesture-handling, wms)
QA is performed by an internal team, which is permanently assigned to the project. QA are maximally involved in the project and can navigate there as well as PM or customer. We do regression, if necessary we can write autotests.
After completion of development and testing we port the product to the customer's production environment (we can offer our own cloud server, or host it on a server of the customer's choice).
We have devops, information security specialists on our staff who are involved in the design, thus the project is being implemented under their supervision, so that at the time of deployment and testing by real users there are no incidents, or the response time to them is as short as possible
In order to make sure that all users of the service understand how to work with changes - among the accompanying documentation there are also user instructions (User Guide and User Manual), by which they will be guided, including new employees. Thanks to this, the implementation process will be as smooth as possible
Stages of the development process